Who we are

It's not easy being a new parent. Everything is new, everything seems like a mountain to you, and this is completely normal

The needs of the baby are increased, and you are constantly worried that you are not doing something right.

Buona is here to help new parents take care of their child, by providing them with quality products. But it doesn't stop there: it also provides them with useful advice, making suggestions that promote the smooth psychosomatic development of the child. Exactly what new parents need for the most important role of their lives.

Moms and dads need someone to provide them with essential supplies, in order to shape and prepare their baby physically and psychologically for what we call "life". With the well-being and development of the child at the center, we stand by the new parents and give them practical solutions in this unprecedented and so tender journey of caring for their baby.

That is why Buona is a "different" project - based on Humans and made for Humans. For parents and children. For the whole family!

What we do

What is primarily of interest to a new parent is to have quality and safe products at his disposal, which will make life with the baby easier

That is why he needs to feel that he is being provided with the most innovative and scientifically proven baby and child care.

At Buona we offer new parents exactly what they need: We are a company that produces nutritional supplements, medical devices and formulations for babies, as well as food for special medical purposes, all prepared according to quality criteria.

By focusing on the science of nutrition and its functional ingredients, we help moms and dads understand the needs of their midget family members by offering them quality, premium products.

Our products

A parent is well aware that the early years, let alone the first months of a child's life, are extremely critical in shaping the good health of their organism.

From breastfeeding itself, to the milk that the child will consume growing up, but also from the quality of food, to the very care of his gastrointestinal system, attention is needed. That is why for us, at Buona, the responsibility of manufacturing safe products aimed at infants and small children is great.

Buona products are made with quality ingredients, through continuous control processes throughout the production chain.

  • They are produced with simple combinations and few ingredients.

And in phytotherapeutic preparations titrated and standardized active substances are used.

  • Dosages are determined by age group or based on body weight.
  • The products are all adapted to the child, with special attention to the way of administration and the taste.

Product categories