Information for new parents

A mini survival guide for new parents

The great value of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is literally a gift of life both for the baby and for the mother herself, having substantial benefits for the physical and mental health of both.

According to the World Health Organization*, it is the most effective way to ensure the health and survival of an infant.

And the composition of breast milk makes it precious and ideal for the baby. It is therefore no coincidence that the mother's milk of the first days, the so-called "colostrum", is often characterized as the "first vaccine", due to the high percentage of immunoglobulins it contains. Its high-value ingredients include proteins, sodium, leukocytes, lactoferrin, chlorine, epidermal growth factor and carotene.

However, beyond its biological benefits, breastfeeding is invaluable as it strengthens the emotional bond between mother and infant, creating a sense of security for the baby. It is characteristic that, during breastfeeding, oxytocin, the so-called "hormone of love", is produced, while prolactin also contributes to the creation of a feeling of calmness.

As noted by P.O.Y., breast milk contains antibodies that protect the baby against common childhood diseases,while at the same time providing all the energy and nutrients that infants need in the first months of their lives.

In fact, children who were breastfed as infants are shown to have higher intelligence test scores than other children, are less likely to become overweight and have a lower risk of developing diabetes.

As for mothers, women who have breastfed their children appear to have a reduced risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

According to the P.O.Y., infants should be exclusively breastfed for at least the first six months of their lives in order to ensure optimal growth and health. Then, from six months onwards, she suggests that babies start receiving complementary foods alongside breast milk.


A mini survival guide for new parents

New parents soon find that this little creature that has come to join their family gives them conflicting feelings.

On the one hand, it causes them unspeakable happiness and joy, on the other hand it creates anxiety and fear, making them constantly feel exhausted and have no confidence in themselves and their choices.

What could a new parent do, in order to manage this "chaos" that he feels exists in his home and in his head?
Here's a mini survival guide:

  • Accept the stress.
    It's perfectly normal to feel this way, it happens to all new - and not only - parents. You are not alone.

  • Take advantage of whatever help is given to you.
    And if it is not given to you, you can ask for it. Especially if you are both working, you can either ask for help from relatives or hire an experienced nanny.

  • Trust your gut.
    There are no instructions on how to be the perfect mom or the perfect dad. You will find that your parental filter will often dictate how to handle a difficult situation, even if you have never encountered it before. And the more time passes, the more experience you will gain.

  • Remember that all babies cry.
    As much as your baby's constant crying may stress you out, don't let it affect your confidence as a parent. Keep calm and, if you see that the condition continues for no apparent reason, talk to your pediatrician.

  • Work with your partner.
    It is very important that both parents are actively involved in the care of the child. This will make things easier, the baby will bond with both parents and the couple will fully experience the miracle of being a parent.

  • Join a group with new parents.
    This will be a good opportunity to get useful information, but also to get in touch with people who are in exactly the same phase as you. Talking to them will automatically make you feel better.

  • Practice your patience.
    At first, your whole life will revolve around diapers, "inexplicable" cries, children's toys and nights without any sleep. Remember it won't be like this forever. As the baby grows, your daily life will also change for the better.

Pregnant for the first time? What is good to know

Pregnancy is a very special time for a woman as she sees her whole life change.

And it's not just her daily life that changes – her body changes, her endurance changes, even her moods. What, then, is good for a future new mother to expect from this so happy, but also so special period of her life?